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How to Install and Use Pixel on Heo Link

Created on 6 March, 2025Guides • 0 views • 1 minutes read

  1. Go to the page https://heo.li/id/pixel-create.

  2. Create a name for the Pixel you will be using.

  3. Select the type of Pixel that you have prepared.

  4. Enter the Pixel ID into the input field according to its type.

After the Pixel is created on that page, you can proceed to configure it on your biolink page.

  1. Select the Biolink that will use the Pixel.

  2. Select the settings menu located below the title of your Biolink.

  3. Then, open the Pixel menu on the 5th row.

  4. The Pixel you created earlier will be displayed there.

  5. If you have created multiple Pixels, you only need to check the box of the Pixel that will be used for that Biolink.

  6. Then, click the update button.

In addition to adding the Pixel to the Biolink, you can also add the Pixel you created to a Shortened Link.

  1. Go to the Shortened Link page.

  2. Select and Edit the Link you want to associate with the Pixel.

  3. Then, open the Pixel menu on the 2nd row.

  4. The Pixel you created earlier will be displayed there.

  5. If you have created multiple Pixels, you only need to check the box of the Pixel that will be used for that Shortened Link.

  6. Then, click the update button.

The linking of the Biolink or Shortened Link with the Pixel usually takes a minimum of 5 minutes and can take up to 24 hours.