How to Install and Use Pixel on Heo Link
Created on 6 March, 2025 • Guides • 0 views • 1 minutes read
- Go to the page
- Create a name for the Pixel you will be using.
- Select the type of Pixel that you have prepared.
- Enter the Pixel ID into the input field according to its type.
After the Pixel is created on that page, you can proceed to configure it on your biolink page.
- Select the Biolink that will use the Pixel.
- Select the settings menu located below the title of your Biolink.
- Then, open the Pixel menu on the 5th row.
- The Pixel you created earlier will be displayed there.
- If you have created multiple Pixels, you only need to check the box of the Pixel that will be used for that Biolink.
- Then, click the update button.
In addition to adding the Pixel to the Biolink, you can also add the Pixel you created to a Shortened Link.
- Go to the Shortened Link page.
- Select and Edit the Link you want to associate with the Pixel.
- Then, open the Pixel menu on the 2nd row.
- The Pixel you created earlier will be displayed there.
- If you have created multiple Pixels, you only need to check the box of the Pixel that will be used for that Shortened Link.
- Then, click the update button.
The linking of the Biolink or Shortened Link with the Pixel usually takes a minimum of 5 minutes and can take up to 24 hours.